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HK Tattoo Artist / Psychopomp Tattoo Founder

Anubis Lok


Since young, Anubis takes drawing as a means to let out her redundant emotion and achieve unexplainable calmness. She longed for a career that keeps her creating.

When Anubis started her tattoo journey in 2013, she was still studying Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University. She soon found unstoppable enthusiasm in the progress of making a tattoo. She then worked as an apprentice under her mentor, Kenny Chin at Solo Tattoo for 5 years. In 2019, Anubis founded her tattoo studio Psychopomp Tattoo, and decided to devote as much as her life into tattooing.

Anubis has her own perspective of dark aesthetics, topics related to death, monsters, witchcraft/occultism and demonology are deeply obsessing to her.


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